SAVE THE DATE: Woman's Tongue: A Social Commentary Art Show on May 11th, 2018
Woman’s Tongue: A Social Commentary Art Show by Carla Campbell
Friday, May 11th, 2018 | at 6:30 pm Opening Night
THURSDAY, MAY 17th, 2018 | at 6:00 pm ART TALK PANEL DISCUSSION Doongalik Studios Art Gallery, Village Road

Photo Credit : Scharad Lightbourne
“Art should comment on society and call it by its name.” – Carla Campbell
Bahamian artist and educator, Carla Campbell, invites the public to a solo exhibition of her work on Friday, May 11th at Doongalik Studios Art Gallery on Village Road. The Art Talk and Panel Discussion follows on Thursday, May 17th at the gallery.
The show entitled “Woman’s Tongue”, is an exhibition dedicated to Campbell’s impassioned commentary on the social ills in our community, particularly concerning women and children.
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The title comes from the oft-occurring tree in our Bahamian landscape called the Albizia Lebbeck, or ‘Woman’s Tongue’. It’s nickname comes from the sound of the tree’s seed pods that rattle and purr whenever the winds blow.
Whether the nickname was given to revere or mock the sound of a woman’s voice, the power of this tree cannot be denied as it turns the head of all when it makes its sound and for its known properties to heal.

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Like the ‘Woman’s Tongue’ tree, the artistic stories presented by Campbell may be heard as a cacophony of noise or the melody of a harsh truth.
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The exhibited artwork unashamedly explores some of the most controversial social issues affecting Bahamian society today.
The opening night event will also serve as a fundraiser for charities that are dedicated to helping those affected by these very same social issues. Entrance is free and refreshments will be served.
The Art Talk and Panel Discussion on May 17th include playwright and author Dr. Ian Strachan, veteran counselor at the Bahamas Crisis Centre Donna Nicolls and activist and politician Terneille Burrows. This event will be filmed live so come out and be part of the audience. Special thanks to the Charitable Arts Foundation for the support of this art show and the continued support of the arts in The Bahamas.![endif]--![endif]--
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Graphic Design Credit: Dionne Benjamin-Smith
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